Resources for Authors

Complete the CEU Article Application

Author Guidelines and Agreement

Directions CEU Article Review – Clinical Perspective

The National Registry of Rehabilitation Technology Suppliers (NRRTS) is committed to offering high quality education through our Continuing Education Program to both NRRTS’s Registrants and others. As an author for Clinical Perspective in the NRRTS Directions Magazine, the following guidelines will help to clarify your responsibilities.

About Directions Magazine: Directions is published bi-monthly. Regular clinical features include Clinical Perspective and Rehab Case Study. The goal of these articles is to provide current, accurate and relevant information that can be applied in the reader’s practice setting. This is an exciting opportunity to share your expertise and inspire the readers! Directions current print circulation is over 10,000 and the Directions link on the NRRTS website logs 13,000 hits a month, on average.

Clinical Perspective explores a topic through clinical applications. The Rehab Case Study often addresses the same topic in a Directions issue but explores that topic through a case study. The goal is for the two articles to be complementary.

The following author guidelines apply to Clinical Perspective.

Clinical Perspective articles will be offered as a CEU product. The reader must complete a quiz to receive .1 CEU upon passing the exam. In addition to the 3 references, the Clinical Perspective article must also include 3 learning outcomess and a 10 question quiz.

Contact: Michelle Lange, Clinical Editor at or phone 720-333-2661.

Article Requirements

Content: The topic has been provided to you, along with a suggested title. You may re-title the article, as desired. If you would like to discuss content further before or during the writing process, please contact the editor by email or phone. We are here to help!

Length: Clinical Perspective articles must be approximately 4000 words in length.

Photos: Articles must include photos (1 – 5) in a JPEG format (1 MB size minimum). Do not embed photos in the article, rather send each photo as a separate attachment. Please refer to each of the photos in the text of the article (i.e. see figure 1).

Please obtain a photo release for any photos displaying a client and do not use copyrighted images. Please send a copy of any photo releases with the article. If you do not have a photo release and a client’s face can be seen, please block the face in the photo or ask us to block the face in the print version.

Please send a document listing a caption for each photo.

Videos: You can now include videos in your article. Just send the video to me and we will create a link to include in the article. If the reader is reading the digital version of the article, they can simply click on the link. If the reader is reading the print version of the article, they can copy the link into their web browser.

References: The Clinical Perspective article requires at least 3 references. These should be from within the last 5 years. Please use APA format. Tip: go to and type in the title of your reference and Search. Once the reference is displayed, click on the quotation marks under the article. A list of pre-formatted citations for the article will be displayed. Copy the APA formatted reference for your article. References can be placed in the Learning Design Document (this is part of the online application) or at the end of the article.

Resources: Resources are also not required but are encouraged. Resources may include helpful related websites, organizations, or educational opportunities.

Quiz: Please provide a 10 question quiz. Download the Guidelines for Quiz_NRRTS

Deadlines: articles are to be emailed to the Clinical Editor by the deadline provided. The editor may respond with suggested changes and a deadline for those changes to be made, as well.

Author Compensation

CEU article authors will receive $300 in compensation in addition to receiving a copy of the magazine featuring your article. After the article is submitted, please send an invoice to Amy Odom at If this article is sponsored, NRRTS will not provide compensation, but will list the sponsor name.

Other Resources:



The following are NRRTS Policies. Please read. You will sign that you agree to abide by these policies on a signature field on the CEU Article Application.

NRRTS Non-discrimination Policy

Effective Date: 1 January 2016

Policy:  Any individual involved in developing or delivering learning events (webinars, classroom learning event, articles for CEU credit) are prohibited from discrimination or making explicit references of a discriminatory nature based on gender, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, socioeconomic status, and/or sexual orientation.

Purpose: NRRTS’s goal is to provide high quality education for anyone involved in the field of Assistive Technology. Any type of discrimination is counter-productive to that goal and thus will not be tolerated in any form.

RESPONSIBILITY: It is the responsibility of the NRRTS Continuing Education Staff to monitor and report any violation of this policy to the Executive Director. All speakers and authors involved with NRRTS Continuing Education will be notified of this policy.

PROCESS:  Speakers and authors will sign the NRRTS Non-discrimination policy prior to CEU approval. Failure to comply with this policy will result in exclusion from any NRRTS Education Program.

REFERENCES: ANSI/IACET1-2013 Standard for CE/T 6.3

NRRTS Disclosure Policy for Continuing Education Program

Effective Date: 1 January 2016

POLICY: Disclosure must be made if a speaker or author has proprietary interest in products, instruments, devices, services or materials discussed in any learning event (webinars, classroom learning event, articles for CEU credit). Any source of compensation must be announced and/or identified in print.

PURPOSE: Disclosure is necessary to insure balance, independence and objectivity. Being affiliated with or employed by a company does not prevent a learning event from taking place. This disclosure makes the learner aware so as to develop their own opinion of the content.

RESPONSIBILITIES: It is the responsibility of the NRRTS Continuing Education Staff to monitor and report any violation of this policy to the Executive Director. All speakers and authors involved with NRRTS Continuing Education will be notified of this policy.

PROCESS: NRRTS will ensure that each speaker and author signs their agreement with the Disclosure Policy.

REFERENCES: ANSI/IACET 1-2013 Standard for CE/T 6.4

National Registry of Rehabilitation Technology Specialists (NRRTS)