Renewal FAQs

Renewing your NRRTS Registrant status requires continuing education and payment each year. Here are a few of the questions that we’ve received.

I’m a NRRTS Registrant, what now?

NRRTS Registration is annual – meaning you will need to complete 1.0 CEU (10 hours) annually and pay the renewal fee.

Is my NRRTS Registration automatically renewed?

No, you will need to complete 1.0 CEU and pay the annual renewal fee.

How can I determine when my NRRTS Registration expires?

You can check the NRRTS website, or you can review your hard copy NRRTS certificate.

Where do I obtain CEUs?

CEUs are readily available for FREE from the NRRTS Learning Portal. We suggest Registrants complete a course each month so when annual renewal comes, all the Registrant must do is let NRRTS knows.

Can I use the same CEUs each year?

No, you must complete new CEUs each year. Once education has been used, it cannot be used again.

Will NRRTS notify me when my renewal is due?

Yes, NRRTS will advise you 30 days before your renewal expires via email.

Does NRRTS have access to education I’ve completed with other organizations?

No, you will need to submit any education completed outside of NRRTS.

Will NRRTS accept CECs for renewal because RESNA does?

While RESNA does allow up to 10 hours of CECs for a biannual renewal, the NRRTS’ Board realized that CEUs are a higher standard for education. To be awarded CEUs, the course must meet certain criteria that ensures the material is relevant, learning outcomes are clearly defined, references used are up to date and not product specific. The presenter must also meet a certain criterion as a subject matter expert.

There is no standard for CEC. It can be an in-service, an activity or other event. Because ATP Certification covers many different areas of AT, RESNA recognized that not all Certificate Holders have access to CEUs.

How do I access the FREE NRRTS Education?

If you need your login information, please contact Amy Odom at

How do I renew my Registration?

All renewals can be completed online at

What if my manager is not immediately available to sign the renewal?

Please complete the renewal and include his/her contact information on the form, and NRRTS will obtain your manager/supervisor’s signature on your behalf.

Can I upload CEUs while completing the renewal online?

Yes, but you must choose you didn’t complete education with NRRTS.

I didn’t get my education uploaded, so can I redo the online renewal form?

No, or you’ll be charged again. Simply email the CEUs to Amy Odom at

Is there a late fee?

Yes, if you renew 30 days past your renewal due date, you will be charged a late fee.

How long does it take for NRRTS to complete my renewal?

The renewal process takes approximately three business days.

Can my NRRTS certification be revoked?

Yes, if you are more than 60 days past your renewal date, your name will be presented to the board of directors for non-renewal. If you have extenuating circumstances, please contact Amy Odom at

What if I have changed employers?

Please complete a change of employment form using this link:

What if I have extenuating circumstances regarding my renewal?

Please contact Amy Odom at Our goal is to work with you, but you must communicate with us.