What happens when you sit? Explaining seated buttocks deformation


Credits: .1 CEU
Presenter: Sharon Sonenblum, PhD



This webinar will review the impact of tissue deformation and tissue breakdown, including both how cellular deformation itself can lead to damage as well as the indirect pathways of damage resulting from deformation. The workshop will then connect this understanding of deformation to what is known about tissue anatomy and deformation in sitting. Which tissues remain loaded under the ischial tuberosities during sitting and which are pushed out of the way? This workshop will present data comparing tissue deformation across individuals, wheelchair cushions, and postures. Visual representations and quantified data of deformation will help participants better understand the loaded buttocks.

Learning Outcomes:
The participant will be able to describe 2 possible ways that tissue deformation leads to tissue breakdown.
The participant will be able to identify the loaded anatomy of the buttocks.
The participant will be able to compare and contrast tissue deformation across cushions and postures.

Sharon Sonenblum, PhD is a Senior Research Scientist in the Rehabilitation Engineering and Applied Research Laboratory (REAR Lab) in the School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech. Dr. Sonenblum has been studying wheelchair seating and mobility for over a decade. She has developed an exciting approach to studying the anatomy and deformation of the seated buttocks that is changing how we think about the loaded buttocks. Dr. Sonenblum also monitors real-world wheelchair use and in-seat movement of wheelchair users to improve the health and function of wheelchair users.