In the world of seating and wheeled mobility, professionals are expected to interact with a variety of personalities. These come in the form of consumers and caregivers as well as other team members. Difficulty and frustration in dealing with others can be conflict based or due to personality issues; the cause is key in how to successfully deal with the situation. Success can be achieved by understanding and addressing numerous factors including understanding the different generational learning styles and identifying possible points of conflict to either avoid or defuse it.
Learning Outcomes:
1. The participant will be able to list 3 reasons why a client might be difficult to deal with.
2. The participant will be able to list 4 generational learning styles.
3. The participant will be able to identify 5 tactics that can be used when interacting with a difficult client.
Jill is an OT in private practice with over 35 years experience. She provides OT services to children and adults with intellectual disabilities and medical fragility specializing in seating and wheeled mobility. Jill presents the clinical application of seating and wheeled mobility throughout North America and internationally. She is a member of the Clinician Task Force and has been actively involved in funding and delivery issues on the state and national levels.