On July 25, 1990 the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law promoting equal rights to individuals with disabilities. The passage of this monumental legislation was the result of the tireless efforts of countless people coming together. While the ADA was a tremendous milestone, 30 years later many individuals with disabilities continue to struggle with getting access to mobility equipment. Do your clients experience difficulty getting the mobility equipment they need? Would you like to help change this for your clients? Do you wish you knew of easy and practical strategies to making such changes that were not time consuming? Join the Clinician’s Task Force for an engaging webinar focused on demystifying how clinicians can get their voices heard and advocate for change. Participants will hear from fellow clinicians about their experiences and be inspired to join the mobility revolution for individuals with disabilities. We need you!
Learning Outcomes:
Participants will be able to articulate an overview of the process involved in passing legislation for improved access to mobility equipment.
Participants will be able to identify three resources for understanding complex rehabilitation technology (CRT).
Participants will be able to list at least two practical strategies to implement into their service delivery related to advocating for improved access to CRT.
Cathy Carver a Mississippi native, graduated with BS in PT from the University for Mississippi Medical Center in 1996 and later completed a MS in PT from the University of Tennessee (at Memphis) in 2000 with the emphasis in Adult Neurology. Inpatient neuro rehab was her primary work experience until 2003 when she began to work in the outpatient wheelchair and seating clinic. She was credentialed as an Assistive Technology Professional (ATP) through RESNA in 2004 and as a Seating and Mobility Specialist (SMS) in 2011. She has taught wheelchair and seating courses and lectures in the southeast since 2007 and has presented nationally at AOTA and at ISS. She has worked as an Alabama Medicaid medical reviewer for custom pediatric and adult wheelchairs and seating to review claims for funding since 2011. She has served with the Clinician Task Force as a member for 8 years, on the Executive Board of Directors for 2 years prior to stepping into the role of Executive Director for the 2-year term of Jan 2019-Jan 2021.
The Clinician Task Force is a 501c4 non-profit organization comprised of a group of professionals who practice, serve and provide education to and advocate for individuals who require seating and wheeled mobility products and services. The group is comprised primarily of OTs, PTs who practice in a wide variety of settings including outpatient rehabilitation, private practice, educational settings and community based programs. Some are full time educators in academic programs and others serve as Manufacturers and/or Suppliers. Membership maintains 80% clinicians not associated with a manufacturer or supplier of CRT and 20% from manufacturer/supplier employment. Those interested in membership can email and be provided with an application. This will be reviewed and determined by the Executive Director and Board of Directors (EBOD) and notification provided. Membership is renewed annually at the end of each calendar year. We communicate in quarterly conference calls and via emails.
The group collaborates and disseminates information as well as advocates for policy and legislative change to improve accessibility for consumers and their caregivers. We are an active group working in small groups on various issues. The CTF promotes expanded education for emerging and novice practitioners. The CTF members are active and visible on the governmental platforms in their individual states, and nationally. The CTF Members also actively participate and collaborate with their individual professional organizations (AOTA, APTA, RESNA, NCART, NRRTS to name a few.).