The newly proposed technique focusing on the evaluation of supra-pelvic scoliosis will be introduced. The aim is to provide data from the supine position on the plinth that can be used 1:1 in the build of a seating system. The outcomes produced are distance measurements, ROM including multiple segments interactions with improved efficiency & outcomes.
As part of the face and content validation process, and overview of this novel assessment will be presented and an outline on how you can be involved in the validation process with be given.
To illustrate this technique, an intervention using the Free Form Seating kit from Symmetric Designs will be shown.
Bart has specialized in the field of seating, wound care and mobility for the past 25 years. After studying physical therapy in Gent, Belgium, he gained experience in Germany providing seating and therapy for children with Cerebral Palsy. After working in a rehab setting in the USA he offered clinical consultations to wheelchair users, clinicians and manufacturers worldwide. He has also started a physical therapy practice with his wife in Belgium. Bart has developed multiple training courses and workshops on skin management, seating assessment, seating techniques & interventions for different user populations.
Bart has developed multiple training courses and workshops on skin management, seating assessment, seating techniques & interventions for different user populations. He has presented for seating specialists all over the world and he developed a seating approach for clinical problem solving and maximizing outcomes. Bart is known as a skilled and experienced clinician and presenter with a global, hands-on and multi-disciplinary view on clinical practice and seating.
Learning Outcomes:
The participant will be able to identify how you can be part of the content and face validation process of newly proposed Mechanical Assessment Tool (MAT) focusing on the supine part of the MAT evaluation.
The participant will be able to list at least tree measurable outcomes of this novel MAT assessment.
The participant will be able to list at least 3 benefits of this novel MAT eval compared to the classic MAT evaluation