BN Test Page

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I am normal This is red and I am not

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It is appropriate for a person to be considered an intermittent user if he or she has:

  • Insufficient endurance for required distances to participate
  • No risk for pressure injury
  • Ability to operate joystick or tiller
  • Ability to safely transfer in and out of device
  • No anticipated change in user’s condition
  • A need for mobility in the community and/or home
  • Ability to transport device






Decreased participation is how the limitations affect the client’s ability to participate in activities that they need or want to do. Our job is to facilitate participation with equipment such as cook a meal, dress, grocery shop.

Environmental factors and Personal factors (“contextual”)

  • Environmental factors can include social attitudes, architectural characteristics, climate, terrain, etc.
  • Personal factors can include gender, age, coping styles, social background, education, past and current experience, overall behavior pattern, character.
Scenario #1
  • This woman is aging with a disability, uses an individually configured manual chair, but finds that they cannot participate anymore due to increased weakness and fatigue with distances.
  • She has requested some assistance with power so that she can attend her child’s baseball games, get around the work campus more easily, and will only use the chair outdoors and distances.
  • She has a car to which she transfers his chair and himself, does not want an adapted van.
  • She works in IT, and very adept at technologies.
This should be on the left
Is this inside the box?
Thi should be on the right






Bills Test Form

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    This is a test HTML Block.

    This is some content that I want to resize using the [font size="18px"]font shortcode[/font].


    This is new content.
    Hello This Is Bill
    Bills New Box Test

    outer box text

    inner box text


    New infant with unrepaired spine

    This has pictures of the Jay fusion cushion that Adewar is sitting on. He has the fluid pack insert



     Highlighted text   Highlighted text  

    Hello Everyone!

    Hello Everyone!

    One in every 6,000 babies is born with SMA. It is one of the most prevalent genetic disorders affecting young children and a major cause of death in infancy. SMA can strike children at any age. SMA in infancy and early childhood is associated with worse outcomes, while patients who develop symptoms later in childhood or in adolescence usually have a more positive prognosis.

    Where does this go?

    Pediatric client with manual wheelchair
    Pediatric client with power wheelchair
    Pediatric client with custom manual wheelchair
    Pediatric client with adaptive stroller


    Green BG
    Four-wheeled scooter for worker with mobility issue (stable but less maneuverability)
    If the appropriateness of a scooter is being considered for a client, such as a person with a heart or respiratory condition that limits endurance when walking, the team, including the CRT supplier, might ask the following questions:
    • Does the client have the balance and strength to safely and independently get on and off a scooter?
    • Is the client’s upper extremity strength, range of motion (ROM), tone, and coordination sufficient to operate the controls?
    • Can the client physically operate the tiller control of the scooter?
    • Is the client’s balance and stability sufficient to maintain an upright posture on the scooter seat?
    • Does the client’s environment offer sufficient space and accessibility to
      allow maneuverability of the scooter?
    Three-wheeled scooter which has a smaller turning radius than a 4-wheel scooter (more maneuverable, less stable)

    Here is the additional text that I enetered
    Li9ne 2
    Line 3
    Line 4


    Test Tip 

    Multiple Col Elements

    Add multiple col elements in the colgroup:




    Left Hemiplegia Right Hemiplegia
    Is this left Blue? Is this right Pink?



    half spoilers and boxes—————————————————————————>

    Bills New Box Test
    Purple BG
    Purple Box 1
    Blue BG
    Blue Box 2
    Blue BG
    Yellow Left
    Blue BG
    Blue Right
    This is new Text
    This is new Text

    Gray BG
    21px Title Font
    Blue BG
    21px Title Font
    Yellow BG
    Black 21px Title Font
    Red BG
    21px Title Font
    I am normalI am redI am blueI am bigthis is normal This text is bold is this normal?This is large and this is not
    Gray BG
    Green BG
    • Walking
    • Eating
    • Dressing and grooming
    • Toileting
    • Bathing or Showering
    • Transferring (getting in and out of bed or a chair)
    Wheelchair Seating and Postural Support Systems
    As you’ve learned in this course, a wheelchair solution aids not only with mobility but also in supporting the client in a seated posture or position. Just as  clients’ goals and needs for mobility might differ, their seating needs are likewise unique.Types of seating equipment:
    Seating systems for wheelchairs

    Seating systems for eating (eg, feeder seats)
    Seating systems for bathing (eg, bath chairs)

    Seating systems for transportation (eg, special needs car seats)
    Systems for recreation (eg, joggers, sports chairs)
    Systems for alternate positioning (eg, corner chairs, tilt table, standers, or
    side lyers)
    Provide postural support needed to be in positions other that sitting in a chair
    • Systems for beds (eg, sleep systems)
    • Additional postural supports (eg, back support, trunk support, headrests)
    • Provide support to the postural muscles needed for balance




    I am normal This is large and I am not


    A child with cerebral palsy (CP) will grow up and get

    I am normal This is blue  and this is not

    I am red

    I am blue

    I am big

    this is normal This text is bold is this normal?

    I am normal This is red and I am not

    Decreased Attention Span Speeach and Language Problems
    Table Table
    Table Table
    Table Table
    Table Table