
NRRTS is excited to let you know that we now approve Classroom Learning Events and Webinars.
If you want your learning event to be approved for CEUs, just fill out the online NRRTS CEU Application.

Please contact Andrea Madsen if you have any questions about completing this electronic application.

Application Requirements

Please complete a separate application for each course you submit.

Here’s a comprehensive list of all the information and items you’ll need to gather to complete this electronic application.

  • The course title
  • A handout – all participants must be provided with a handout that states a summary of the content presented, instructions about how to complete the course, and the following statement:
    • “NRRTSCE is certifying the educational contact hours of the program and by doing so is in no way endorsing any specific content, company, or product. The information presented in this program may represent only a sample of appropriate interventions. As an IACET Accredited Provider, The National Registry of Rehabilitation Technology Suppliers offers CEUs for its programs that qualify under the ANSI/IACET Standard. This course is approved for _____ CEU(s)”
  • Location of event.
  • Quiz – online learning events require a post-test.
  • Course details and/or justification for the topic.
  • Registration details
    • An attendance record must be submitted for every course that is presented as a live learning event within two weeks of the presentation date. Attendance for online learning events should include the registration or attendance records from the website or program used to host the event. On-demand programs must provide the registration list and/or attendance list from the website or program used to host the event. This can be submitted in the form of a spreadsheet or sign-in sheets.
  • Speaker bio, credentials, and a signed speaker agreement for each speaker
  • Learning outcomes and the duration for the learning outcomes in minutes.
  • Application Fees (to be paid by credit card)
    • $500.00 (USD) for each course  with 0 – 10 presentations per year
    • $700.00 (USD) for each course  with 11 or more presentations per year.

Terms & Responsibilities

NRRTS will:

  • Ensure that each event follows the specific NRRTSCE process and policy for IACET compliance.
  • Monitor the results of the evaluations and assessments and provide those results to speakers, contact persons, and/or Education Managers in the form of a spreadsheet.
  • Send the results of attendees and evaluation responses (email Sandi Noelting for a copy of the evaluation questions)  on each course  on a quarterly basis per calendar year.
  • Email to learners a certificate upon completing the course.
  • Reserve the right to attend the programs we certify at any time, free of charge, to validate the quality and content of the session(s).
  • Reserve the right to recommend any necessary changes to the course based on the results of the programs we certify based on learner feedback.
  • Maintain learner records for a minimum of 7 years.
  • Provide support to participants of all learning events we certify.


Applicant will:

  • Include this information in any marketing brochure of online promotion:
    • Course description
    • Learning outcomes
    • Registration details
    • Speaker bio, credentials
    • The following statement:
      • NRRTSCE is certifying the educational contact hours of the program and by doing so is in no way endorsing any specific content, company, or product. The information presented in this program may represent only a sample of appropriate interventions. As an IACET Accredited Provider, The National Registry of Rehabilitation Technology Suppliers offers CEUs for its programs that qualify under the ANSI/IACET Standard. This course is approved for _____ CEU(s)
  • Provide to NRRTS a copy of the planned program (agenda/schedule/brochure) along with the application fee before any advertisement of a program is pursued. However, while the application is pending the course may be promoted with the statement ““NRRTSCE is certifying the educational contact hours of the program and by doing so is in no way endorsing any specific content, company, or product. The information presented in this program may represent only a sample of appropriate interventions. As an IACET Accredited Provider, The National Registry of Rehabilitation Technology Suppliers offers CEUs for its programs that qualify under the ANSI/IACET Standard. Approval for ___CEU(s) for this course is pending.”


Click Here to complete the Application

Do you already have courses that we’ve approved?

Course CEUS can be renewed provided all content is still relevant.

Submit courses for RENEWAL

“The National Registry of Rehabilitation Technology Suppliers (NRRTS) is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET). NRRTS complies with the ANSI/IACET Standard, which is recognized internationally as a standard of excellence in instructional practices. As a result of this accreditation, NRRTS is authorized to issue the IACET CEU.”