AFON application2021

Association Friend of NRRTS Application (AFON)


  • Any charity or non-profit involved in the rehabilitation industry or profession not otherwise eligible to be a NRRTS registrant but meets the criteria for Association Friend of NRRTS (AFON) as established by the Corporation may be eligible to be affiliated as an AFON. AFONs are state, professional or national associations. An AFON must be sponsored by a NRRTS Registrant in good standing and approved by the Board of Directors of NRRTS as meeting all criteria as established by the corporation. There is no annual fee.
  • Five (5) complimentary FON affiliations (IFONs have access to NRRTS Education at 50% off and can participate on the NRRTS Listserve and a subscription to DIRECTIONS Magazine)
  • AFON corporate logo with hot link to corporate AFON web site on
  • Right of First Refusal on Event Sponsorships
  • AFON corporate logo on the back cover of DIRECTIONS Magazine.

  • I recommend the company noted above is an asset to our industry and will be an honorable CFON.
  • Clear Signature
  • (Proposed) Association Friend of NRRTS information

  • Complimentary Association Friends of NRRTS affiliations

    Please provide name and contact information for the (5) complimentary Association Friends of NRRTS affiliations.
  • Proposal will not be processed without signature of proposer, AFON primary contact and Date.
    Clear Signature
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • An annual renewal will be sent in January of each year to request updated published information about the organization and an update on its contribution to the rehab industry. Send completed form, payment of $1500USD (NRRTS can invoice), high-resolution logo in JPEG (minimum of 300 dpi) to Amy Odom