Many, many professionals have volunteered countless hours over the years to create and define the field of Assistive Technology. Let’s take a look back…
There were no standards, no certification, no supplier qualifications, less equipment options, and easier documentation!
Anyone could provide wheelchairs and seating. There was no complaint process and no Code of Ethics.
NRRTS was incorporated in 1992 and has evolved through the years with a in-depth application process. No longer called, “members”, NRRTS Registrants must meet rigorous standards, and after a review process and approval, obtain the designation, RRTS® and CRTS®.
The NRRTS organization has been instrumental in setting and maintaining high standards in the Complex Rehab Technology industry.
“NRRTS is the only CRT Association dedicated to the professionals supplying complex products and services. NRRTS offers DIRECTIONS, educational webinars that offer CEUs and has a Code of Ethics that is adhered to.”

Important Dates
- 1980Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) was incorporated
- 1982Custom Seating became available from manufacturers
- 1987First Seating Symposium held in Memphis
- 1988Sunrise Medical introduced the tilt-in-space frame
- 1989RESNA established the Quality Assurance Committee
- 1992NRRTS was conceived, organized, birthed, and incorporated
- 1993NRRTS began registering Suppliers
- 1994RESNA Professional Specialty Board (PSB) was established
- 1995NRRTS News was published
- 1996RESNA offered the ATP and ATS exams
- 1997NRRTS offered Certified Complex Rehabilitation Technology Supplier® (CRTS®)
- 2002Georgia Medicaid required NRRTS Registration
- 2004National Coalition for Assistive and Rehab Technology (NCART) was formed
- 2006NRRTS offered Registered Rehabilitation Technology Supplier® (RRTS®)
- 2008RESNA consolidated the ATP and ATS Credential
- 2009RESNA offered SMS Credential
- 2011Outcomes Pilot Program with University of Pittsburgh established
- 2011NRRTS began an Education Program with its first “Webinar Series"
- 2013Weesie Walker, ATP/SMS was hired as NRRTS Executive Director
- 2014NRRTS expanded its education program to include on-demand webinars
- 2016NRRTS became an accredited IACET Provider of CEUs
- 2017NRRTS began to offer CEUs for Clinical Perspective Articles in DIRECTIONS
- 2018NRRTS revised the requirements for the CRTS®
- 2020NRRTS introduced in Canada
- 2022NRRTS celebrated 30 years
- 2023NRRTS introduced in Australia
- 2023Andrea Madsen, ATP was hired as NRRTS Executive Director
- 2024NRRTS changes its name to iNRRTS (International Registry of Rehabilitation Technology Suppliers)

Simon Margolis, NRRTS first Executive Director, represented the very best in what it means to be an active, involved and committed member of the Complex Rehab Technology community.
He gave tirelessly of his time, compassion and expertise. His visionary leadership made NRRTS and the CRT community as a whole what it is today.
Established in 2017, a Simon Margolis Fellow is named each year and represents a NRRTS Registrant who has made long standing and significant contributions to NRRTS, the CRT profession, and the seating and wheeled mobility community as a whole.
Simon Margolis Fellows include Weesie Walker, Michele Gunn, Gerry Dickerson, John Zona, Mike Osborn, Mike Barner, Elaine Stewart and Carey Britton . These dedicated members of the CRT community represent the NRRTS Mission and the highest standards of professionalism in the CRT Industry.