2019 National CRT Conference Registration is Open

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Register Today!

The National Registry of Rehabilitation Technology Suppliers (NRRTS) and The National Coalition For Assistive and Rehab Technology (NCART) will host the 2019 National CRT Leadership and Advocacy Conference.
The Conference will be held May 1-2 at the Renaissance Arlington Capital View Hotel in Arlington, VA.

Why YOU need to attend

This is a unique opportunity for YOU to make YOUR voice heard in Washington, D.C. Once YOU register, YOU will be provided with information on issues in the CRT Industry, particularly funding issues. YOU will be provided with a step-by-step guide to have meaningful conversations with YOUR member of Congress.

YOU will be provided with practical advice from Suppliers, Consumers, Clinicians, Industry leaders, and other CRT Stakeholders about being an effective CRT ADVOCATE.

  • New Sessions featuring Suppliers, Consumers, Industry Leaders, and Funding Experts
  • Capitol Hill Appointments with YOUR members of Congress (Scheduled for YOU…