Power Wheelchair Configuration Considerations for Evaluation and Skill Training


Date: 9/9/20
Credit: .1 CEU
Presenter: Jennith Bernstein, PT, DPT, ATP/SMS
Business Practice,Seating & Positioning,ATP/SMS Prep Content,Intermediate Level
Sponsored by Permobil



Driving a power wheelchair successfully can be a skill that takes time to develop and just like any other therapeutic intervention, a structured plan of care that supports motor and cognitive skill development will create a client who is more functional with their long-term mobility solution. When we complete our initial seating and mobility evaluation, what is driving our wheelchair base selection? Are we changing our instruction, training and skill development based on the wheel base configuration of the power wheelchair? What are the key skills to evaluate that can help with decision making and then training upon delivery? This one-hour webinar will discuss indications for drive wheel configurations, how your evaluation steps may vary with different wheel bases, as well as critical skills to include when training a person with their custom power mobility solution.

Learning Outcomes:
The participant will be able to describe three client characteristics that would guide the recommendation of different drive wheel configurations.
The participant will be able to compare and contrast how a power wheelchair evaluation differs between a mid and front wheel drive power wheelchair base.
The participant will be able to differentiate two power mobility skill training techniques used for front and mid wheel drive wheel base configurations.
The participant will be able to identify two positive long-term outcomes from power wheelchair skill training.

Jennith is a Physical Therapist based in Atlanta, Georgia. She spent 10 years at The Shepherd Center, focusing her time in the Seating & Wheeled Mobility clinic for 7 years. Jennith completed her Masters in Physical Therapy at North Georgia College & State University and return to complete her transitional DPT at University of Texas Medical Branch in 2014. Jennith has served as a volunteer teacher at the Universidad Mariano Galvez in Guatemala, instructing spinal cord injury curriculum as well as seating and mobility. Jennith has presented at national and international conferences such as RESNA, ISS, LASS, Expo Ortopedica, and the APTA NEXT conference. Jennith joined Permobil as the Clinical Education Manager for the Central Region in 2016.