Please watch this 4-minute video to learn about the importance of supporting NRRTS DIRECTIONS Magazine.
The video transcript is below the video.
Hi, I’m Bill Noelting – – 615.400.8696 – and I want to take a couple minutes to talk about NRRTS DIRECTIONS Magazine: The Journal of Complex Rehab Technology. If you’re not familiar with NRRTS – the National Registry of Rehabilitation Technology Suppliers – please visit our website at to learn more.
For almost 30 years, NRRTS has produced a best-in-class journal dedicated to improving the provision of Complex Rehab Technology. DIRECTIONS is the journal of record for the CRT Community. In each issue, on every page, are the elements of the thread that binds us all together. Every element is designed to move the industry forward and to help overcome disparities facing people that need and use Complex Rehab Technology AND the people that supply Complex Rehab Technology…. From the theme on the cover, the President’s Message, intimate interviews with friends and colleagues, updates on advocacy, CEU articles, Live webinar listings, articles on the history of the industry, manufacturers’ products, and pages listing new registrants… a growing list.
The past few years have seen a reduction in print advertising across the board… newspapers are disappearing, consumer magazines, ad publications, catalogues, Martha Stewart doesn’t even print any more. Go figure. We all know that calculating the return on our advertising investment is often subjective, subject to conflicting objectives, occasional confusing statistics, maybe a little sleight of hand or disappearing ink connecting the dots between our advertising expense and our objectives.
DIRECTIONS magazine has been a victim of this reduction in print advertising.
Now, let me be clear… NRRTS is a not-for-profit organization. It is not a sales organization, it’s not a marketing company, and DIRECTIONS is not a news magazine. DIRECTIONS is the only dedicated Journal for Complex Rehab Technology. The only one. It exists to inform and educate the community of professionals involved in the provision of Complex Rehab Technology.
With six issues published annually, DIRECTIONS Magazine is the premier source of education and information for complex rehab technology suppliers and other industry professionals.
Our readers are passionate about the latest trends and developments and stories, and they turn to DIRECTIONS Magazine for the insights and analysis they need to stay ahead of the CRT curve.
By advertising in DIRECTIONS Magazine, you’ll have the opportunity to reach this highly targeted audience and showcase your products and services to the people who matter most… but, more importantly your advertising will help us keep this publication alive and in print for the benefit of the not only the professional CRT community but also the people using CRT that deserve quality and knowledge.
Very soon, I will be sending a 2024 DIRECTIONS Media kit for your review. Please notice, we have not raised our rates and instead prefer to believe in the increased value we bring to you, your company, and to our entire industry.
We need your help. DIRECTIONS Magazine needs to remain in print and not wink out into the darkness of the digital abyss.
Please let me know when we can discuss working together in 2024 to improve our industry and to improve the lives of people with disabilities and to keep the Journal of Complex Rehab Technology in print.
Giving back has never been easier or more important.
I’m Bill Noelting. Thanks for listening.