CRT Service Tech Survey

CRT Service Technician Survey #1

The purpose of this survey is to gather feedback about the quality and quantity of CRT Service Technicians. Your responses will be kept confidential and used solely for the purpose of this study.

For the purpose of this survey, the term 'CRT Supplier' refers to the person who provides highly specialized seating and mobility equipment and services tailored for individuals with complex medical needs and disabilities.

The term 'CRT Service Technician' refers to the person who maintains and repairs complex rehab equipment. This includes power wheelchairs, manual wheelchairs, adaptive seating systems, and other specialized devices designed for individuals with significant disabilities or medical conditions.

For questions about this survey, please contact Bill Noelting at

Your name and email are not required but preferred in case we would like to talk with you about your answers. We will never share your responses.
What is your current role? (Please select all that apply)
How long has your company/organization been in the CRT industry?
How many different locations or branch offices does your company have?
How would you rate the current availability of qualified CRT Service Technicians in your region?
How many CRT Suppliers does your location or branch office have?
How many CRT Service Technicians does your location or branch office have?
Has your company/organization experienced any challenges in hiring qualified CRT Service Technicians in the past year?
If yes, what are the main challenges you have faced in hiring CRT Service Technicians? (Please select all that apply)
How would you rate the overall quality of CRT Service Technicians in your company/organization?

  • Technical expertise in CRT devices
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Customer service skills
  • Experience with specific CRT brands/models
  • Certification or specialized training
How satisfied are you with the training and development opportunities available for CRT Service Technicians in your company/organization?