Date: 12/7/22
Credit: .1 CEU
Speaker: Angie Kiger, M.Ed., CTRS, ATP/SMS
Sponsored by Permobil
Intermediate Level, Seating and Positioning, ATP/SMS Prep Content
A day in the life of a young child typically includes pre-school, playdates with friends, mealtime with family, bath time, etc. Having the opportunity experience the quintessential aspects of childhood is vital for every child’s overall growth and development. However, making those everyday experiences happen for a child with physical disabilities can be difficult.
Learning Outcomes:
Participants will be able to list three reasons why providing young children with physical disabilities with equipment to facilitate active participation is important for overall growth and development.
Participants will be able to explain three strategies for implementing at least two pieces of positioning and/or mobility equipment into a young child’s daily routine.
Participants will be able to list both clinical and functional benefits of three different pieces of positioning and/or mobility equipment for young children.