Speaker Name*
List speaker here with credentials
Needs Analysis - the need for this course was determined by* Hold CTRL key to for multiple selections. Why were you asked to present this topic? Example: a specific outcome or need discussed when you were asked to present this course. It could have been shown in conversation, observations, surveys, evaluations, personal interviews, presenter evaluations, etc.
Participant Surveys and/or Evaluations Personal Interview Requested by NRRTS Personnel
Presenter Qualifications needed for this topic:* Describe the qualifications and experience do you have that directly impact your ability to present this material.
Course description* Maximum number of words is 100.
The first five words of the description will often determine if the reader will go on or pass to another course description.
The course description is vital to getting people to enroll in this course. To attract learners, the description should emphasize the benefits to the learner coming from either the results of attending the course or from the value of the subject matter itself.
Speaker Bio* Maximum number of words is 100. Include your current position and a brief mention of work history and experience that is relevant to your speaking topic and audience
Include academic qualifications, awards, and a reference to published work, but only if applicable to the material you are presenting.
Additional Speaker Bio* Maximum number of words is 100. Include your current position and a brief mention of work history and experience that is relevant to your speaking topic and audience
Include academic qualifications, awards, and a reference to published work, but only if applicable to the material you are presenting.