Thank you for submitting your editorial to iNRRTS. This editorial will be published in DIRECTIONS Magazine and will also be placed in the resource library on the iNRRTS website.
The Editorial Submission Guidelines checklist below represents the materials and material specifications that we require for publishing your editorial. You can also download a PDF of the Submission Guidelines here.
Please contact Bill Noelting if you have any questions about completing this electronic application.
In addition to the Submission Guidelines, you will need to have a content contributor agreement completed, signed, and ready to upload for each contributor before starting the online application.
Download the Speaker / Content Contributor Agreement Here
Editorial Submission Guidelines
- Editorial Title
- The editorial must be a minimum of 500 words with a max of 1,000 words.
- Short biography of each author
- Photo of each author. Photos should be JPGs with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Please do not embed the photos into a Word or other style document. Upload them as individual JPG files.
- Editorial support photos should also be JPGs with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. These should not be embedded into a document but should be uploaded as individual files.
- Caption the photos on a separate Word document, clearly labeled, i.e.
- Photo1.jpg: Bobby trying his new gait trainer
- Photo2.jpg: Training Bobby to use a head array
- Support Photos must have signed photo releases or faces in the photos will be blurred. A copy of the photo release(s) should be provided to iNRRTS when the article is submitted.
- Email address and phone number must be provided as contact information.
- Invoice for $150 must be submitted to Amy Odom ( The invoice must contain name, address, city, state, email address, telephone number, and must reference this specific article by title.
If you have gathered and prepared all the requirements and are ready, click the button below to submit your editorial.