Thank you for agreeing to present your learning content via an iNRRTS CEU Article.
The process for getting your article approved for CEUs is outlined below. Please contact Kathy Fisher if you have any questions about completing this electronic application.
Please complete a separate application for each article you submit.
Here’s a comprehensive list of all the items you’ll need to gather to complete this electronic application.
- The article title.
- The article description
- CEU Quiz – CEU articles require a quiz.
- Article details and/or justification for the topic.
- Learning outcomes and the percentage of the article allocated to each learning outcome.
- Author bio, credentials, and a signed speaker / content contributor agreement for each author. You will need to have the speaker / content contributor agreement(s) completed, signed, and ready to upload before starting the online application.
- Download the Speaker / Content Contributor Agreement Here
- The agreement can be downloaded, saved, printed, and shared with any authors or co-authors. It can be manually signed or electronically signed and returned.
On the next page, you will be required to upload the Speaker / Content Contributor Agreement(s).
You can also upload the article and quiz if they are ready.
Ready? Click the button below to complete the iNRRTS CEU Article Application.