Accessible Parking

United Spinal Association has published The Complete Guide to Accessible Parking, a landmark resource for people with disabilities. Following on the successes of 2024’s revamped Disability Etiquette Guide and Wheelchair Emergency Preparedness Compendium, United Spinal’s Accessible Parking offering is kicking off 2025 in a big way on an issue with growing momentum behind it.

“United Spinal Association’s Complete Guide to Accessible Parking is the result of nearly three years of hearing from and meeting with our members, examining the many problems that exist with accessible parking. It is abundantly clear that policymakers, the business community, and the general public have little awareness about accessible parking, and United Spinal is committed to leading the way forward to improve accessible parking across the country. We hope that this Complete Guide to Accessible Parking provides all Americans with the tools and information they need to make positive change on this issue in their communities,” said Stephen Lieberman, Senior Director, Advocacy & Policy.

Accessible parking is fundamental to the ability of people with disabilities to work, learn, shop, and play. And yet, the disability community finds itself in a crisis of outmoded infrastructure and civil rights around this basic necessity. Standards have not been updated since 2010, despite major changes to the American landscape following a long real estate boom and forward motion from victories in other areas of disability rights related to transportation. There are nearly 10 disabled placards per 100 vehicles nationwide, but only 2 percent of parking spaces in large lots and one in 25 spaces in smaller lots are accessible.

The gap between where we are and where we need to be is massive—and United Spinal Association is here to close it. This new guide not only enables accessible parking users to know—and enforce—their existing rights, but also illustrates how standards can improve. Covering the basics—how to use accessible parking and why society stands to gain from having more accessible parking spaces—the guide is also highly relevant for a general audience.

It offers grassroots advocates model goals and methods of partnership with local government to contend for change. It is likewise a useful tool for local officials and administrators to better understand the issue from the viewpoint of the disability community, and to clarify the legal basis and practical implications of rules and regulations on accessible parking stemming from the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The Complete Guide to Accessible Parking is available for download on United Spinal Association’s website. It is a product of United Spinal’s Accessible Parking Working Group, an initiative of its Grassroots Advocacy Network.

Get it here.